Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Sep 12, 2021    Pastor Aaron Groat

Service is live at 10:00 am Sunday, September 12!

What does someone who follows Jesus look like? What does it look like in world that is very different from the world that God intended?

Even if you didn’t grow up knowing about Jesus and the Bible, chances are that you’ve heard phrases and snippets from a talk that Jesus gave when he was on earth. It’s the sermon found in Matthew 5-7. Some of the sermon’s expressions have become part of our everyday speech. It’s a sermon that has formed the basis of more conversations and teaching than any other portion in the Bible.

Why do you think that is? It’s because in the “Sermon on the Mount” Jesus lays out what it looks like to be part of His Kingdom. In 3 short chapters, Jesus paints a picture for the church to know what theology lived out should look like. The sermon clarifies certain issues that have perhaps become a bit fuzzier over the last little while.

What does it look like to follow and obey Jesus in an ever-increasing pluralistic and secularized world today?

We will start with the Beatitudes and look at what Jesus says a ‘blessed’ life means for us as we live out the call as followers of Jesus inviting other’s to follow him as well.