Inspire Hope

Brining hope and joy to long-term care centres throughout Halton Region

Inspire Hope this summer in Halton Region

We are joining with Halton Alive’s campaign to bring hope and joy to 6500 residents of long-term care retirement homes throughout Halton Region. Volunteers are needed to chalk at 50 different locations in June and in August. Sign up to draw colourful designs and messages on walkways to bring joy and encouragement to staff and residents as they go in and out of the homes.

We’re challenging you to sign up as singles, families or small groups. You choose the location and the week that works for you. Sign up as often as you want and for as many locations as you’d like. Once you sign up you’ll be emailed a link with the available locations and dates.

You might go somewhere once, do several homes in the same week, or adopt one location for multiple weeks or the whole summer. If the rain washes away your design, you can even choose to return and touch it up if you’d like!

This is our opportunity to come out of our homes and be together-apart. If you are looking for a fun way to get out, enjoy the sunshine and share some joy then we’d invite you to Inspire Hope in our community.
Once you’re signed up as a volunteer, you’ll be emailed all the information you need for that particular location.
We’d love to see the Calvary family embrace this endeavour so that we can demonstrate light and love in our community.

FAQ about Inspire Hope

What types of messages should I draw?
You can draw pictures, simple drawings, or even knock-knock jokes! You might choose some encouraging messages such as:
  • We’re thinking of you
  • You are loved
  • Have a beautiful day
  • Fun in the sun!
  • Summer 2021
  • You’re not alone
Can I chalk a Bible verse?
While this is a secular project, simple messages reminding the staff and residents of God’s care and grace are not unwelcomed unless the home specifically requests no spiritual content. All of that information will be provided to you when you sign up for a spot this summer.

What kind of chalk to I use?
Any kind you have! And if you don’t have access to chalk then please let Calvary know because we’d be happy to get you some.

Why only June and August?
Inspire Hope organizes projects every second month in our region, so July is technically “off”. If you want to continue chalking for July – please do! It will be a wonderful way to keep joy in the hearts of the residents.

Who created the Inspire Hope campaign?
Inspire Hope is a project of Halton Alive, who seeks to be “…a pillar in our community that promotes the value of all human life.” Their roots are in the catholic faith, but they serve churches of all denominations who want to help spread awareness about the value of human life. Halton Alive launched the Inspire Hope campaign in response to the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the elderly. Because of being isolated and unable to have visitors meant many would be lonely and confused. Halton Alive seeks to demonstrate that the elderly are valued important members of society, and to help bring hope and encouragement to them.