
What is Communion?

Communion is how we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. We’re told in the New Testament (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22) to take communion together in remembrance of Jesus and all that He has done for us. The elements that are used in communion to represent Jesus’ body and blood are bread and wine (or juice).

When we ingest the bread and the wine, we demonstrate that while food is essential to sustain our physical life, it is the body and blood of Jesus Christ that are essential to sustain our spiritual life.

When we remember the cross, there is also an aspect of confession. As we declare what Christ has done, we acknowledge the why: Jesus has shed His blood because it was required in order to save us from our sins. Without it, we would be hopelessly unforgiven and eternally lost.

Please know that communion is not a means of salvation, rather, it is a testament of a believer’s faith in the atoning work of the cross. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, join us in taking communion and remembering Jesus' GREAT sacrifice. If you are not in the place where you consider Christ your Saviour then sit back and enjoy the service as you normally would, and prayerfully consider the impact of what you observe.

“Is it wrong to let my kids have communion so that they don’t feel excluded?”
Parents, the best answer we can offer you is this: Communion is for those who have repented of their sins, asked God for forgiveness, and received Christ as their Saviour. As you interact with your kids in the time leading up to communion and in the days afterwards, it’s our prayer that you use the communion time as a launchpad to discuss Jesus and His death and resurrection, and how your kids can have eternal life.

Please reach out via email or phone call if you have any questions about communion or its significance.

Why Is the Lord’s Supper Significant in the Bible?

For a more indepth look at the roots of The Lord's Supper, visit this helpful link from the Bible Project

How to take communion at home

There is something significant that happens when we take communion as part of a faith community. We bind our hearts together and we acknowledge that we are part of something greater than ourselves. While it's true we would love to be with you in person as we celebrate communion, taking communion together online is no less significant, and in no way diminishes the “remembrance” of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins.

Pour some grape juice or some other kind of drink that is red/purple.
  • Pour into individual glasses, one for each person who will be taking communion.

Gather some Bread or Baked Crackers
  • Select any bread or cracker of your choice.

Be Ready at Home with Your Elements
  • You will be led through the communion service and the time to take the bread and wine will be indicated. All you need to do is follow along online individually or as part of your family.

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