From Words to Actions

We all have a desire to make a positive impact on the world around us. As people of faith, we often talk about the importance of serving others and sharing God's love. However, it's easy to get stuck in surface-level intentions and fail to take meaningful action. Recently we learned from Exodus about the priests of Israel, and how they were set apart for the work of the Lord. The priests served as mediators to shown the people that sin could be forgiven and relationship could be restored. The result? Joyful worship!

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Just as the priests in Exodus served as mediators between God and the people, Christians are called to be mediators between God and the world. Through our faith in Jesus Christ, we have direct access to God and are tasked with sharing His love, truth, and salvation with others.

Here are some ways we can bridge the gap between others and God through our actions, words, and love:

  1. Embody Christ-like Character: By cultivating the virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), we reflect the character of Christ and our transformed lives become a witness that draw others closer to God.
  2. Share the Gospel: Proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ is essential in bridging the gap between others and God. We can share our faith through personal testimonies, conversations, and intentional evangelism, inviting others to experience God's love and forgiveness.
  3. Practice Authentic Worship: Our genuine worship of God inspires others to draw near to Him. By worshiping in spirit and truth, both individually and corporately, we demonstrate the beauty of a relationship with God and inspire others to seek Him.
  4. Serve with Compassion: Just as Jesus selflessly served others, we can show God's love by meeting the practical needs of those around us. Serving the marginalized, showing hospitality, and caring for the vulnerable demonstrate the heart of God and draw people to Him.
  5. Speak Words of Life: Our words have the power to build up or tear down. Through encouraging, uplifting, and speaking truth in love, we can bring hope, healing, and restoration to others. Sharing God's Word and wisdom can lead others to a deeper understanding of Him.
  6. Extend Forgiveness and Reconciliation: As mediators, we can actively pursue reconciliation and forgiveness in our relationships. By extending grace, seeking reconciliation, and modeling forgiveness, we reflect God's heart and help others experience His love.
  7. Practice Prayer: Prayer is a powerful way to bridge the gap between others and God. Interceding for others, praying for their needs, and seeking God's guidance and intervention can create opportunities for divine encounters and transformation.
  8. Cultivate Unity and Community: By fostering unity within the body of Christ and cultivating authentic community, we create a space where others can experience the love of God. Genuine relationships, mutual support, and fellowship demonstrate the transformative power of God's presence.
  9. Demonstrate Humility and Empathy: Through humility and empathy, we can relate to others with understanding, compassion, and sensitivity. By listening, valuing others' perspectives, and showing genuine concern, we reflect the heart of Christ and draw people closer to Him.
  10. Be a Light in the World: Our actions, attitudes, and choices can shine God's light in the midst of darkness. By living according to God's principles, demonstrating integrity, and standing for justice and righteousness, we become beacons of hope and draw others to God's truth.

In conclusion, as followers of Christ, we are called to be mediators between God and the world, just like the priests in Exodus. We have been given the incredible privilege and responsibility to bridge the gap between others and God through our actions, words, and love. By embodying Christ-like character, sharing the gospel, practicing authentic worship, serving with compassion, speaking words of life, extending forgiveness and reconciliation, engaging in prayer, cultivating unity and community, demonstrating humility and empathy, and being a light in the world, we can effectively bridge the gap and impact lives. Let us embrace this calling with passion and intentionality, knowing that our efforts can lead others to experience the forgiveness, restoration, and abundant life found in a relationship with God. Together, let us be mediators who make a lasting difference in the world around us, bringing hope, healing, and transformation wherever we go.

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