The Gift of Joy

At Christmas time, the word joy might conjure up images of choirs, family dinners, sleigh rides, and twinkling lights. In this verse we catch a glimpse of a different meaning of joy – the heartfelt understanding of a believer’s right standing before the Lord.

Everyone has to make the decision to either believe the gospel of Christ or to reject it. Those in the church at Thessalonica heard the gospel, were ready and willing to turn from their former ways, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. They responded to the good news by placing their faith in the Lord Jesus. Those in Thessalonica faced hardship, but they did so with joy because of their steadfast faith in Christ.

If you’re struggling to feel the Hallmark-channel sense of joy this season, know that the joy the Lord has for you extends beyond sugar cookies and twinkling lights. Its  joy that comes from knowing you are God’s child. What a gift!

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