The Gift of Heart Desires

Delight yourselves in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

As we continue with the 25 gifts that believers have already received because Christ has come, today we remember that God has given us the desires of our heart.

One writer has said, “When you delight in the excellencies of God you will come to understand that everything about Him is the answer to your longings.” The more we immerse ourselves in Him we see that He embodies everything that our heart desires – hope, joy, peace, family, forgiveness, belonging… these are but a few. When we delight ourselves in the giver of these gifts, we can more fully delight ourselves in the gifts themselves.

The more we see these gifts displayed in others, the more we want them for ourselves – not in a selfish or jealous way – we simply want to enjoy them for ourselves. To delight in them. They become the desires of our heart as does the One who so generously gives them.  

What a gift!

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