CB Kids November 20
Our current series is called "Behind the Scenes" where we see the story of Esther play out like a story on the big screen. There are heroes, villains, spies and treachery... and ultimately a faithful God who is writing the script for a story of care and protection.
Today is Act 3: Mordecai asks Esther to help where we'll learn that God gives us support behind the scenes.
Ask your child: What is more frustrating?
Have some fun: Play a game of hot and cold. Have your child leave the room while you hide something. Let your child move around the room while you say "hot" or "cold" to direct them to the object. Switch places and let them hide something.
Read these verses from the Bible:
Esther 3:8-4:17; Colossians 1:9-17
Talk about it: Haman made a law to hurt the Jewish people. That made them sad and scared. The Jewish people couldn't do anything about this new law without help from someone like Queen Esther. But Esther couldn't help the people on her own, she needed help! What kind of support did Esther ask Mordecai for? In Colossians 1, how did Paul support the people who were living in Colossae? How has God given you support in the past?
Pray together: God, thank you for always being there behind the scenes and giving us support. Sometimes, we feel alone or afraid, but you cheer us on and give us everything we need. Thank you for also giving us others we can lean on. Help us to be good supporters, too, and let them know how much you love us all. Amen.
Learn the memory verse:
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)
Recap: When frustrating things happen like losing a winter glove or our shoelace coming untied, sometimes we can turn to people to help. In today's Bible story, Mordecai needed Esther's help to save the Jewish people, and Esther needed God's help to be brave. Just like Esther, we can ask God for help too!
Watch the videos:
Video for younger kids
Video for older kids
Today is Act 3: Mordecai asks Esther to help where we'll learn that God gives us support behind the scenes.
Ask your child: What is more frustrating?
- Your shoelace keeps coming undone, or you can't do up a button on your shirt?
- You can't find your favourite stuffed animal, or you can't find one of your winter gloves?
Have some fun: Play a game of hot and cold. Have your child leave the room while you hide something. Let your child move around the room while you say "hot" or "cold" to direct them to the object. Switch places and let them hide something.
Read these verses from the Bible:
Esther 3:8-4:17; Colossians 1:9-17
Talk about it: Haman made a law to hurt the Jewish people. That made them sad and scared. The Jewish people couldn't do anything about this new law without help from someone like Queen Esther. But Esther couldn't help the people on her own, she needed help! What kind of support did Esther ask Mordecai for? In Colossians 1, how did Paul support the people who were living in Colossae? How has God given you support in the past?
Pray together: God, thank you for always being there behind the scenes and giving us support. Sometimes, we feel alone or afraid, but you cheer us on and give us everything we need. Thank you for also giving us others we can lean on. Help us to be good supporters, too, and let them know how much you love us all. Amen.
Learn the memory verse:
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)
Recap: When frustrating things happen like losing a winter glove or our shoelace coming untied, sometimes we can turn to people to help. In today's Bible story, Mordecai needed Esther's help to save the Jewish people, and Esther needed God's help to be brave. Just like Esther, we can ask God for help too!
Watch the videos:
Video for younger kids
Video for older kids
Posted in CB Kids
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