CB Kids October 23

We're almost done our Hear Me Roar series in the book of Daniel. This week is the lesson that the kids have been waiting for: Daniel in the Lion's Den. This week our CB Kids learned I am not alone – God is with me!
Ask your child: "Sometimes if I'm asked about scary things, I don't like to talk about it because even talking about things like roller coasters, the dark, or slithery snakes can make me feel afraid. Does that ever happen to you? How can we remind ourselves that they're just words and not something we have to be scared about?"
Hint: Parents help your kids see that it's okay to talk about scary things, and it's actually healthy because if we don't talk about scary things we can't let people help us if there are dangerous or unhealthy things happening around us.
Have some fun: Sing this song to the tune of "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho":
Read these passages from the Bible:
Talk about it:
Pray together: God, you have promised to always be with me. I don’t have to be afraid of lions, bullies, taking tests, or the dark. And even if we’re afraid, we know you will give us the courage to handle whatever we might be facing. Just like you were with Daniel and Paul, you’re with me. I can be brave because you’re standing beside me. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: Nahum 1:7 (NIV)
“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who trust in him.”
Recap: Daniel was probably afraid down there in the lions’ den. He might have even felt afraid when he made the hard choice to pray to God when it was against the law. But God was with Daniel even when things seemed scary.
God wants us to pray to Him when we're happy, sad, or afraid. And He will always answer our prayer. I am not alone – God is with me!
Watch the videos for this week:
Hint: Parents help your kids see that it's okay to talk about scary things, and it's actually healthy because if we don't talk about scary things we can't let people help us if there are dangerous or unhealthy things happening around us.
Have some fun: Sing this song to the tune of "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho":
Daniel was thrown into the lions' den, lions' den, lions' den
Daniel was thrown into the lion's den,
Cause he prayed to God alone.
God sent his angel to the lions' den, lions' den, lions' den
God sent his angel to the lions' den
And he shut the lions' mouths.
Read these passages from the Bible:
- Daniel 6
- 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Talk about it:
- What rule did the king make?
- How did Daniel break the rule?
- Who kept Daniel safe?
- When are some times you might need to overcome a fear?
- What’s one way you can be brave because you know that God is with you?
- What kinds of words would help someone who is afraid not be afraid anymore?
Pray together: God, you have promised to always be with me. I don’t have to be afraid of lions, bullies, taking tests, or the dark. And even if we’re afraid, we know you will give us the courage to handle whatever we might be facing. Just like you were with Daniel and Paul, you’re with me. I can be brave because you’re standing beside me. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: Nahum 1:7 (NIV)
“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who trust in him.”
Recap: Daniel was probably afraid down there in the lions’ den. He might have even felt afraid when he made the hard choice to pray to God when it was against the law. But God was with Daniel even when things seemed scary.
God wants us to pray to Him when we're happy, sad, or afraid. And He will always answer our prayer. I am not alone – God is with me!
Watch the videos for this week:
Posted in CB Kids
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