CB Kids September 4-10

Welcome to Famous, our latest series for CB Kids! In this series, we are going to follow the Bible’s most famous royal family — the family of King David! We’ll get the inside scoop on all the family secrets and drama . . . and learn how God famously watched over these royals! In this lesson we learn that when you’re loved by God,
you don’t need to be liked
by everyone.
Ask your child: Do you like going to the movie theatre? Why or why not? Do you ever think about being a movie star?
Have some fun: Sometimes movie stars go to fun events and "walk the red carpet" while fans and reporters take their picture. Set up a red carpet event in your home, and take turns as a family posing for pictures. Use props like hats and sunglasses to make it extra fun!
Read these passages from the Bible:
I Kings 10:1-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13
Talk about it:
Pray together: Dear God, even though you remind us of your love every day, we still tend to value everyone else’s opinion of us too much. Remind us that we should live to please you and not others because you have always accepted us exactly as we are. Thank you for so famously loving us. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: Learn the memory verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)
Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: Many famous stars get to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But does that mean everyone likes them? Most likely not. It’s impossible for anyone to be liked by everyone! God’s love for us has nothing to do with our popularity or our achievements. However, it has everything to do with just how awesome God is. That’s why when you’re loved by God, you don’t need to be liked by everyone!
Ask your child: Do you like going to the movie theatre? Why or why not? Do you ever think about being a movie star?
Have some fun: Sometimes movie stars go to fun events and "walk the red carpet" while fans and reporters take their picture. Set up a red carpet event in your home, and take turns as a family posing for pictures. Use props like hats and sunglasses to make it extra fun!
Read these passages from the Bible:
I Kings 10:1-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13
Talk about it:
- Why did the queen of Sheba come to Jerusalem?
- What did she bring with her?
- What did she talk with King Solomon about?
- What did the queen of Sheba say about God’s role in Solomon’s success?
- What do you think is the difference between being liked and being loved?
- Whose opinion (other than God’s) matters the most to you? Why?
Pray together: Dear God, even though you remind us of your love every day, we still tend to value everyone else’s opinion of us too much. Remind us that we should live to please you and not others because you have always accepted us exactly as we are. Thank you for so famously loving us. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: Learn the memory verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)
Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: Many famous stars get to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But does that mean everyone likes them? Most likely not. It’s impossible for anyone to be liked by everyone! God’s love for us has nothing to do with our popularity or our achievements. However, it has everything to do with just how awesome God is. That’s why when you’re loved by God, you don’t need to be liked by everyone!
Posted in CB Kids
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