What is the ACTS Prayer?

What is the ACTS Prayer?
What comes to mind when you think about prayer? Is it sitting quietly in a church pew while beautiful music floats through the air? Or is it laying face-down on your bed, eyes blurred with tears, fighting back sobs of grief while you try and make sense of what's going on?
While many things might pop into your mind, one thing is for certain: prayer is simply having a conversation with God. Prayer is the how a Christ-follower communicates emotions and desires with God, and how we spend time with God.
Many people have the desire to pray but don't know where to start. We're going to offer you a few ways you can guide your prayers in order to get the most out of your time with God. One of the types of prayers is called the ACTS prayer.
ACTS is a simple acrostic to guide how you pray and what you pray about. ACTS stands for: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
Adoration: Begin your prayer time with praise, worshipping God for who He is. This part is all about God (not what He has done for you –– we'll get to that in a second). Tell God some of the things you love and appreciate about Him.
Confession: Is there something that is weighing on your heart? Some sin that is making it impossible for you to feel at peace? Tell God about it. The Bible says that if you confess your sins, God is faithful to forgive them all!
Thanksgiving: Next, tell God what He has done that has filled your heart with joy. This is the part where you praise God for how He has been working.
Supplication: This is a word that basically means asking. When we ask God for what we need, we are requesting that God acts in some way to provide things like healing, provisions, food, shelter, friendship.... there are many things you might ask God for that can both bless you and bring glory to God's Name.
This isn't a script you must follow when you pray. Instead it is a guide for how you might form your prayers when you want to talk to God. Above all else, speak from the heart and know that God is listening to you!
While many things might pop into your mind, one thing is for certain: prayer is simply having a conversation with God. Prayer is the how a Christ-follower communicates emotions and desires with God, and how we spend time with God.
Many people have the desire to pray but don't know where to start. We're going to offer you a few ways you can guide your prayers in order to get the most out of your time with God. One of the types of prayers is called the ACTS prayer.
ACTS is a simple acrostic to guide how you pray and what you pray about. ACTS stands for: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
Adoration: Begin your prayer time with praise, worshipping God for who He is. This part is all about God (not what He has done for you –– we'll get to that in a second). Tell God some of the things you love and appreciate about Him.
"God, I praise you because you are the Creator who made the heavens and the earth. I worship you because you are holy and loving. There are no other gods like you!"
Confession: Is there something that is weighing on your heart? Some sin that is making it impossible for you to feel at peace? Tell God about it. The Bible says that if you confess your sins, God is faithful to forgive them all!
"Father, today I didn't behave in a way that I should have. My emotions got the better of me and because of it I behaved in such a way that I am not proud of. Please forgive my sin of _________ and give me the strength to not do it again. Help me make amends wherever I need to so that others can also know your peace and love."
Thanksgiving: Next, tell God what He has done that has filled your heart with joy. This is the part where you praise God for how He has been working.
"God, I thank you that I don't have to live in fear because you are a good and kind God. Because of your great love, I know I am never alone. I am so grateful that Jesus came to forgive my sins and that I can have a relationship with you because of it."
Supplication: This is a word that basically means asking. When we ask God for what we need, we are requesting that God acts in some way to provide things like healing, provisions, food, shelter, friendship.... there are many things you might ask God for that can both bless you and bring glory to God's Name.
"Jesus, you know that my friend is going through a hard time and is in a dark place. I'm asking for you to give them strength and heal their broken heart. Give me the words to say to encourage them, and help me to be wise with what I say and how I say it."
This isn't a script you must follow when you pray. Instead it is a guide for how you might form your prayers when you want to talk to God. Above all else, speak from the heart and know that God is listening to you!
If this has been helpful, leave us a comment and let us know. We'd also be honoured to pray for you if there is something weighing on your heart.
Posted in Prayer
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