CB Kids August 7-13

Welcome to Famous, our CB Kids series for the month of August! In this series, we are going to follow the Bible’s most famous
royal family — the family of King David! We’ll get the inside scoop on all the family secrets and
drama . . . and learn how God famously watched over these royals!
In the first lesson we'll see that when we make mistakes, we can make things right.
Talk with your child: Today we're going to talk about good choices and bad choices. Maybe some of the things we'll talk about will bring up sad memories for your child when they got in trouble or made a bad choice. Reassure them that the past is forgiven and you have no intention of making them feel badly about what has already happened. You love them, and God loves them, and you will be having some fun today talking about God's Word.
Have some fun: Set a timer and see how many famous people you can name in 30 seconds, alternating parent-child so you can work together. For older kids, play it Scattergories-style, each of you writing down as many people you can in two minutes and then crossing off any names that are the same on each list. The person with the most names at the end is the winner.
Read these passages from the Bible:
II Samuel 11:26-12:13a; Ephesians 4:14-16
Talk about it:
Pray together: Dear God, sometimes it’s tempting to use a quick apology as a way to avoid facing our mistakes. But you forgive us and help us through what happens after we do something wrong. Help us to follow through with you and others to make things right even when we don’t feel like we know what to do next. You can help us make things right again. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: We all make mistakes and bad choices. It's part of what makes us human. But when we realize that we've made mistakes we can make things right. Sometimes it's as easy as saying we're sorry and asking for forgiveness, and other times we have to make things right. Being humble and choosing the right path makes things much easier on us and on our relationships!
In the first lesson we'll see that when we make mistakes, we can make things right.
Talk with your child: Today we're going to talk about good choices and bad choices. Maybe some of the things we'll talk about will bring up sad memories for your child when they got in trouble or made a bad choice. Reassure them that the past is forgiven and you have no intention of making them feel badly about what has already happened. You love them, and God loves them, and you will be having some fun today talking about God's Word.
Have some fun: Set a timer and see how many famous people you can name in 30 seconds, alternating parent-child so you can work together. For older kids, play it Scattergories-style, each of you writing down as many people you can in two minutes and then crossing off any names that are the same on each list. The person with the most names at the end is the winner.
Read these passages from the Bible:
II Samuel 11:26-12:13a; Ephesians 4:14-16
Talk about it:
- What did the rich man do wrong in Nathan’s story?
- Why did Nathan tell David this story?
- What did David do as soon as he realized what the story was about?
- When is one time you learned something from a mistake you made?
- Describe a time when you might feel that saying, “I’m sorry,” is not enough.
- What kinds of things can you do to make things right?
Pray together: Dear God, sometimes it’s tempting to use a quick apology as a way to avoid facing our mistakes. But you forgive us and help us through what happens after we do something wrong. Help us to follow through with you and others to make things right even when we don’t feel like we know what to do next. You can help us make things right again. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: We all make mistakes and bad choices. It's part of what makes us human. But when we realize that we've made mistakes we can make things right. Sometimes it's as easy as saying we're sorry and asking for forgiveness, and other times we have to make things right. Being humble and choosing the right path makes things much easier on us and on our relationships!
Posted in CB Kids
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