CB Kids July 3–9

This month our CB Kids are learning all about the big dreams God has given us and helps us to achieve.
Today's story looks at Elijah, a prophet who walked with and dreamed with God all the way to the end. Note that the story talks about Elijah and Elisha – it might be confusing for young children to hear such similar names, so be sure to stress the pronunciation when you read the story!
Ask your child: Do you have big dreams for something you would like to be? Do you want to be a rockstar, an artist, a racecar driver, and actor, or a chef? Tell your child about a dream you had for yourself when you were younger.
Have some fun: Make some cloud dough by combining 1/2 cup of lotion,1 cup of cornstarch, and add in a few drops of food colouring. Let your child play with the dough while you talk together about the story.
Read these passages from the Bible:
Talk about it: God was going to take Elijah up to heaven, but his friend Elisha that he wouldn't leave Elijah's side. He wanted Elijah to stay and serve God together. Elijah asked what he could do for Elisha, and Elisha replied that he wanted a double portion of Elijah's spirit – meaning his big dream was to continue doing the work of God like Elijah did. Elijah promised that if Elisha saw Elijah going up into heaven, he would get what he asked for. And that's exactly what happened.
Pray together: God, you know me and you hear my prayers and my dreams. I’m so glad that the things that are important to me are also important to you. Help me to trust you with my hopes and remind me that I can dream big with you. Thank you for showing us none of our dreams are out of reach when they come from you. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: Today's lesson taught the story of two men: Elijah and Elisha. Both of them had big dreams to serve God in big ways, and He gave them the desires of their hearts. God hears you and cares about what you care about. You can dream big with God.
Have some fun: Make some cloud dough by combining 1/2 cup of lotion,1 cup of cornstarch, and add in a few drops of food colouring. Let your child play with the dough while you talk together about the story.
Read these passages from the Bible:
- 2 Kings 2:1–2, 6–14
- Psalm 66:1–9
Talk about it: God was going to take Elijah up to heaven, but his friend Elisha that he wouldn't leave Elijah's side. He wanted Elijah to stay and serve God together. Elijah asked what he could do for Elisha, and Elisha replied that he wanted a double portion of Elijah's spirit – meaning his big dream was to continue doing the work of God like Elijah did. Elijah promised that if Elisha saw Elijah going up into heaven, he would get what he asked for. And that's exactly what happened.
Pray together: God, you know me and you hear my prayers and my dreams. I’m so glad that the things that are important to me are also important to you. Help me to trust you with my hopes and remind me that I can dream big with you. Thank you for showing us none of our dreams are out of reach when they come from you. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Click here for the ASL video for this Bible verse.
Recap: Today's lesson taught the story of two men: Elijah and Elisha. Both of them had big dreams to serve God in big ways, and He gave them the desires of their hearts. God hears you and cares about what you care about. You can dream big with God.
Posted in CB Kids
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