CB Kids June 19–25

This month we are in a series called Ever After. Fairytales are fun and entertaining, but we are going to look at the true story of Ruth to see how God truly writes the best stories for us! Today's lesson teaches that God gives us boldness!
Talk with your child: Tell your child about something you were afraid of when you were a child, but that you are no longer fearful of. Talk with them about something(s) that scare your child and the strategies they use so they don't get too freaked out. (ie sleeping with the door open or a light on if afraid of the dark; holding your hand if they're afraid of crossing the street or using an escalator alone). Tell your child that we are all afraid of different things and we all react to them in different ways There is no right way to be brave but God promises to be with us through scary situations.
Have some fun: Play "1-2-3". Using the list below, rate each item according to how scary it would be for you. 1=not scary; 2= kinda scary but it's doable; 3=NOPE not doing it.
Read these passages from the Bible:
Talk about it:
What did Naomi tell Ruth to do? Why? In what ways was Ruth bold in this story? When you read Psalm 42, the writer seems to feel everything from hopelessness to fear. These are normal emotions that even Jesus felt before He went to the cross.
Pray together: Dear Jesus, thank you for helping Ruth to be brave so that she could be bold and ask Boaz for help Would you give us boldness when we feel afraid or we need to try something new? Thank you for the promise that you are always with us and will never leave us. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: "The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:8
Ruth and Naomi were facing some difficult times, and Ruth had to be both brave and bold. Whatever we are facing will not be anywhere near as hard as what Jesus went through on the cross, but we can be bold just the same because God gives us boldness.
Have some fun: Play "1-2-3". Using the list below, rate each item according to how scary it would be for you. 1=not scary; 2= kinda scary but it's doable; 3=NOPE not doing it.
- Riding a roller coaster
- Catching a lizard in a cup
- Jumping into a swimming pool
- Giving a speech
- Singing on a stage
- Kissing a worm
- Parachuting from an airplane
- Meeting your favourite actor
- Being a circus acrobat
Read these passages from the Bible:
- Ruth 3
- Psalm 42
Talk about it:
What did Naomi tell Ruth to do? Why? In what ways was Ruth bold in this story? When you read Psalm 42, the writer seems to feel everything from hopelessness to fear. These are normal emotions that even Jesus felt before He went to the cross.
Pray together: Dear Jesus, thank you for helping Ruth to be brave so that she could be bold and ask Boaz for help Would you give us boldness when we feel afraid or we need to try something new? Thank you for the promise that you are always with us and will never leave us. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: "The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:8
Ruth and Naomi were facing some difficult times, and Ruth had to be both brave and bold. Whatever we are facing will not be anywhere near as hard as what Jesus went through on the cross, but we can be bold just the same because God gives us boldness.
Posted in CB Kids
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