CB Kids May 29–June 4

This week is our final lesson in The Messengers series. Our CB Kids learned that God sends help when we need it. And that is great news!

Ask your child:

Can you name some of the people from the Bible we have talked about this month? (Hint: Peter, Tabitha, Lydia)

Have some fun:

Which do you think is better news?
  • You never have to clean your room, or you get free pizza for the rest of your life?
  • You won a set of brand new bikes for you and your whole family, or you won a train trip across Canada with your whole family?
  • You get to meet a famous movie star, or you get to be a famous movie star?

Read these passages:

  • Acts 16:16–34
  • Psalm 97

Talk about it:

Have you ever needed to be rescued from something? Maybe you got your foot stuck in a hole, or your arm stuck in your jacket sleeve. It feels good to be rescued! Many people, when they learn about Jesus for the first time, say that they feel free... as though they are broken free of chains that used to hold them. It's an amazing feeling to hear such great news and be set free!
Psalm 97 is a song of praise we can read when we are happy and thankful to God.

Pray together:

God, thank you for helping us each time we are in need, and for sending Jesus to help us escape the power of sin. Show us how we can help others, just like you have helped us. We know you will provide everything we need to share your love and be helpful, too. Amen.

Learn the memory verse:

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”  Isaiah 6:8


When we get the good news about Jesus, we want other people to get the message, too. When then those people tell more people who tell more people...
That's why at Calvary we say that we are "Disciples who make disciples who love God, love people and serve our world." We want to tell others about Jesus and replicate (that means 'make more') the act of discipleship. Talk to your parents or CB Kids teacher about how you can keep sharing the good news of Jesus wherever you go!
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