CB Kids for April 3–9, 2022

This week our CB Kids were asked, "Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything?"
Ask your child: How do you greet someone who is important? What do you say? What do you do? Think of as many titles for people that you can i.e. Doctor, Pastor, Your Highness...
Have some yummy fun: Choose a bland food the kids can season, such as baked potatoes plain popcorn, rice cakes, yogurt, etc., Put the food item in a bag, on a plate, or in a bowl. Provide various seasonings and toppings for the kids to add to their food.
Read these passages: John 12:1-8; Philippians 3:7-9
Talk about it: What did Mary pour on Jesus’ feet, and what was Judas' reaction?
How did Jesus respond to what Mary did? Reread Philippians 3:7-9. What are some things in your life that compete with your love for Jesus?
Pray together: Jesus, thank you for being the only one who never changes and is always there for us. Help us to love you more than anything and invite others to love you like we do. Amen.
Ask your child: How do you greet someone who is important? What do you say? What do you do? Think of as many titles for people that you can i.e. Doctor, Pastor, Your Highness...
Have some yummy fun: Choose a bland food the kids can season, such as baked potatoes plain popcorn, rice cakes, yogurt, etc., Put the food item in a bag, on a plate, or in a bowl. Provide various seasonings and toppings for the kids to add to their food.
Read these passages: John 12:1-8; Philippians 3:7-9
Talk about it: What did Mary pour on Jesus’ feet, and what was Judas' reaction?
How did Jesus respond to what Mary did? Reread Philippians 3:7-9. What are some things in your life that compete with your love for Jesus?
Pray together: Jesus, thank you for being the only one who never changes and is always there for us. Help us to love you more than anything and invite others to love you like we do. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18a (Click here for the Sign Language Version!)
Posted in CB Kids
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