CB Kids for March 27 - April 2

This week our CB Kids used the story of the prodigal son to learn that God celebrates us
Ask your child: Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone, or gotten upset with them? What does your face look like when you're mad? Are you using kind words or angry words? What does it mean to give someone the "silent treatment"?
Have some fun: Plan out what your "best day ever" would look like. Where would you go? What would you eat? Who would you visit? Are you doing new things or going back to some old favourites?
Read these passages: Luke 15:11b-32; II Corinthians 5:17-19
Talk about it: How do you think the father felt while the younger son was gone? What about the older brother? According to our Bible passages, How did reconciliation happen between God and us? What can we do to reconcile with someone? How can we celebrate others as God celebrates us?
Pray together: Dear God, thank you for showing us how to love and forgive others by being the perfect example for us. Thank you for celebrating us whenever we come back to you after we lose our way. Amen.
Ask your child: Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone, or gotten upset with them? What does your face look like when you're mad? Are you using kind words or angry words? What does it mean to give someone the "silent treatment"?
Have some fun: Plan out what your "best day ever" would look like. Where would you go? What would you eat? Who would you visit? Are you doing new things or going back to some old favourites?
Read these passages: Luke 15:11b-32; II Corinthians 5:17-19
Talk about it: How do you think the father felt while the younger son was gone? What about the older brother? According to our Bible passages, How did reconciliation happen between God and us? What can we do to reconcile with someone? How can we celebrate others as God celebrates us?
Pray together: Dear God, thank you for showing us how to love and forgive others by being the perfect example for us. Thank you for celebrating us whenever we come back to you after we lose our way. Amen.
Learn the memory verse: But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. 1 Thessalonians 3:3
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