Get baptised


Jesus instructed us to be baptised once we have placed our trust in God, so baptism becomes a step of obedience in our walk with Him. While it is not necessary for salvation, it demonstrates submission to God. We immerse at Calvary Burlington because we believe Scripture shows that Jesus modelled this for us as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in Him.

What is baptism?

Baptism is a faith event and celebration where believers decide to turn from their sin and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. It illustrates Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and at the same time represents our new life in Christ. 
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Romans 6:3-4)

Who should be baptised?

Every person who believes in Jesus Christ should be baptised. Believers realize their sin separates them from God. They conclude that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross bridges the gap between them and God. Having decided to trust Jesus alone for their salvation, they follow Him in baptism as a marker of their new life in Christ. (See: Matthew 28:19-20).

Why don't we baptise babies?

Great question! The Bible is quite clear that first we repent and then we are baptised (Acts 2:38). And since no one can repent on our behalf, we only baptise those who are old enough to make the decision to be baptised and not babies. We call this "believer's baptism".

Will I go to heaven if I'm baptised?

Baptism itself doesn't save you, but instead it's a celebration of the fact that you have already trusted Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. 

What is baptism by immersion?

Baptism by immersion means being fully immersed (or "put under the water"). We baptise by immersion at Calvary Burlington because we believe Scripture shows that Jesus modelled this for us as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in Him.

Ready to take this step or want more information?

Contact us about getting baptised